Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's go time


Fungster said...

CNN was all over this story...

Jason said...

As well they should... I'm disappointed that more media outlets didn't cover my first post to LoC

Fungster said...

Dey was too busy, speckalating on, I don't know, will Billary concede? Who's gonna be his VP? Shillary? Where do we go from here? McCain tried to upstage Obama and utterly and completely failed? How will he recover?

See, the MSM doesn't become "hip" until the fad has already passed on. Once whitey knows about it, it's way too late and folks are already on the next thing. So these things are left to the one person who's job description at CNN is probably "Reporter of zany $#!+ nobody cares about but we had to give her a job because, well, just because. Don't make us explain why. Just watch the $#!+."