Friday, November 16, 2007

Why did Corms & Decker suck in school?

We now know why:
Study: Initials may influence people's grades, careers

Researchers who studied the impact of initials found that baseball players whose first or last name starts with the letter K, which signifies a strikeout, tended to strike out more often than other players.

And students whose names start with the letters C or D, which denote mediocre marks in some grading systems, did not perform as well as other pupils with different initials.

"Just having the right initial doesn't spontaneously make you a better baseball player, but it can spontaneously make you a slightly worse baseball player," said Leif Nelson, of the University of California, San Diego.

Nelson and Joseph Simmons, of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, studied the effect of first or last-name initials in situations where letters corresponded to an undesirable outcome.

Now you know why K-Mad was known as "The Whiff Machine" in little league. Kasey Kiker? I won't be drafting him.

Fung = F.

It's all becoming clear...


Fungster said...

And your initials sound like a disease or a really bad sports league in the United States. What does that make you?

Smiff said...

MLS = librarian.

Corms said...

And FM is an outdated one way communication device.