Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Is that all?

U.S. spending on Iraq, Afghanistan will hit $1.6 trillion: report

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will have cost the United States at least $1.6 trillion by 2008, according to a report by Congress's Joint Economic Committee that is scheduled to be released Tuesday on Capitol Hill.

...the war efforts would reach $1.6 trillion for the period between 2002 and 2008, roughly $20,900 for each family of four.
(or $83,600 per person)

The committee also said that costs could be expected to rise, reaching up to $3.5 trillion between 2003 and 2017.

The total is roughly double the $804 billion the White House has already requested to finance the missions, the report stated. "The full economic costs of the war to American taxpayers and the overall U.S. economy go well beyond even the immense federal budget costs already reported," it read.

Some conclusions:
1) Maybe Dumbya should have majored in math instead of cheer leading at Yale? And that Harvard MBA? May as well be on used terlet paper.
2) HYOOOGE mistakes were made.
3) More tax cuts are needed for the very wealthy and the military contractors making a killing off the war.
4) You kids who need S-CHIP: go phokk yourselves. Better yet, just die already.
5) And in related news, let us not forget that Pres. Man-Child is a fiscal conservative:

Bush wields veto pen — again

NEW ALBANY, Ind. - President Bush, escalating his budget battle with Congress, on Tuesday vetoed a spending measure for health and education programs prized by congressional Democrats.

Bush hammered Democrats for what he called a tax-and-spend philosophy:

"The Congress now sitting in Washington holds this philosophy," Bush told an audience of business and community leaders. "The majority was elected on a pledge of fiscal responsibility, but so far it's acting like a teenager with a new credit card."

Thank you, he'll be here all week. And his philosophy? It's called borrow-and-spend-and-when-the-bill-comes-due-and-the-depression-hits-I'll-

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