Saturday, November 17, 2007

hoaxers perpetrating greatest hoax ever perpretrated going to elaborate lengths to perpetrate hoax (cont'd)

UN panel gives dire warming forecast

inevitable human suffering... threat of extinction... water shortages... river and coastal flooding... extensive species loss... longer and hotter heat waves... greater competition for water... "so severe and so sweeping that only urgent, global action will do..." worst catastrophes... the poor and the elderly will suffer most... hunger and disease will be more common... droughts, floods and heat waves will afflict the world's poorest regions... more animal and plant species will vanish... "look forward to seeing the U.S. and China playing a more constructive role..." "disastrous..." best-case scenario, temperatures will continue to rise... already committed... scientists couldn't even predict by how many meters the seas will rise, drowning coastal cities... United States opted out... Bush... White House... certainty of climate change... scientific certainty that this is happening... humans... how clear the scientific message is... no excuse not to act... climate systems have already begun to change... abrupt and irreversible changes... planet unrecognizable... totally phokked...

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