Tuesday, August 14, 2007

73% of U.S. now under surveillance

You voted for it - You got it. So, shut up.

Poll Finds Overwhelming Opposition to Domestic Wiretapping


Sarge said...

Unless you were from Ohio - then your vote was kind of like a bucket by the Washington Generals...

Ranger said...

And in related news, the American people support Bush's plan to thwart Al Quaeda's effort to remove him from office on January 20, 2009.

Fungster said...

What are you people so afraid of? If you're not a terrist, then we won't listen to your conversation. If you are a terrist, we will. Trust us, we're the government. You voted us in (despite what Corms says) and we know what's best for you. If you're gonna bitch at every single law we pass then we may as well just disband the legislative branch and have polls for every single law instead.