Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Could someone invade us, please?

News Item: Americans by a 3-to-1 margin favor the increased use of surveillance cameras to spy on Americans. Expect further announcements from the Ministry of Truth as necessary.


Corms said...

Keep in mind that they only asked 4 people. Those 4 people were named George, Laura, Jenna, and Barbara. And in fairness to the twins they didn't quite understand the question, they thought they were being asked about cameras in their bedrooms.

Smiff said...

Didn't they ask their dog, too?

Fungster said...

Well, remember how the terrists were captured by da cameras all over London, and we didn't see it till "AFTER" the bombings? Well, that was so helpful, because we were like so sick of seeing the 6 photos of the 4 spots that were bombed over and over and over again in the news montage reel. We wanted something new, preferably grainy and sinister to look at. And so we need cameras everywhere. For news footage, not to help us find the terrists. Coz see, by then, the terrists were ded. That's kinda their MO, to die in the attack, in case no-one noticed.

k-mad said...

I don't trust any of you. And I'm glad dat at least da Chicago guys are somewheres on da MareCam network 24 hours a day...