Monday, October 29, 2007

George Will? You guessed it: FULL@$#i+ (cont'd)

G-Dub continues to think everyone is a plutocratic, @$$hole gazillionaire like himself...

George Will Wants Those Lazy Seniors Off The Dole

"Sixty-five days from now, the first of 78 million baby boomers begun (sic) to retire. Most Americans who collect Social Security begin to collect it at age 62 [not true!], which is absurd. We have the public subsidizing increasingly long and comfortable retirement of people for a third to a half of their adult lifetime. Now. That’s why one in four voters in 2004 was over 60 years old. The elderly have the biggest stake in the welfare state, which exists to transfer wealth to them. So this is, politically, a loser."

Also, apparently math wasn't one of Mr. Smartypants top subjects at Princeton. The average age of a U.S. American is now about 80. So in Will's fantasy world where gazillionaires are cashing SS checks for 1/3 to 1/2 of their lives, they are living to be 106 to 120 years old. Also, while most people have worked during their lives, at 67 Will continues to sit on his pampered, Ivy League ass belching out this garbage on Sunday morning and his piece-o'-crap syndicated column and considers it "work." Another fun fact for Mr. FULL@$#i+: Social Security is something people have payed into their entire working lives. It is something they have earned while working, not a government handout. Transfer wealth? Does he even know where that money comes from? Again, most retirees are not rich phokks like George Will, and actually need SS to live on, which they already earned. To the pompous ass phokking phokk George Will: go phokk yerself.

1 comment:

k-mad said...

The worst part is we're spending all this money on health care and fancy medical technology just to keep these shiftless old farts alive even LONGER.