Thursday, July 26, 2007

"Supporting the Troops"

There they go again: showing udder contempt for the soldiers. Well, they have to pay for the war somehow. I'm sure this is one of Cheney's: he stays up in his crypt all night thinking of new ways to kill, maim, and totally shit all over the military. Total moral bankruptcy...

Army's 'Debt Of Service' Leaves Vets Perplexed
Unbelievably, Soldiers Must Pay For Damaged Equipment

Former Army Specialist Rodriguez started getting bills for $700 for lost or damaged government property this summer. Although he was discharged some four years ago, bills recently arrived demanding payment, but giving no details on what or why -- nor do they offer a way to dispute the charges.

"...this is all part of the military’s push to be run more like a business."


Sarge said...

Look, if you'd start listening to the New York Post and Bill O'Reilly and other right thinking Americans, you would know we're fighting terrorists. T-E-R-R-9-1-1-O-R-I-S-T-S. And it costs money to fight terr911orists, and since we no longer tax corporations that do so much to make our country better, it is important we get the money from somebody. Who better than those brave soldiers who have sacrificed so much to sacrifice a little more.

I mean they're used to it. And we have other priorities.

Corms said...

I say some lawyer out there should file a class action suit on behalf of all soldiers who've been in the military since Bush took over. If they're getting billed for government property that they lost, the government should get a bill for everything the soldiers have lost by serving during the Bush residency, hell expand the class to include everyone in the world since we've all lost something due to plutocratic kleptocracy instituted by this administration.