Friday, June 13, 2008

Free at Last

R. Kelly acquitted on all 14 child pornography charges.

Can we all now agree that racism in this country is a thing of the past?

1 comment:

Fungster said...


Asked to elaborate, Fung continued: "Well, the guys that have gotten off (or away with it, depending on your POV), OJ, MJ, now RK, have had the means to get good counsel. Plenty of not so well of people of a certain hue (or not of a certain hue, depending on your POV) are still railroaded thru our system, only to be found not guilty 30 years later when technology improves enuff to set them free."

Pressed on it further, asked that since people wrongly accused are being freed now, doesn't that indicate racism is a thing of the past, Fung countered "Well, no, Fung takes the view that some people will be as racist as the laws let them be. Back in the day the trial may have had an all white jury and judge and RK would have been screwed for screwing who he shouldn't have screwed. Now, the same evidence that would have been proof positive for the old jury won't fly with these new, inclusive juries. So the law may have become less racist. Doesn't mean people are."

Also, see previous posts about folks in W. VA. What if the trial had been held there?

Rev FungAl Sharpton.