Wednesday, April 30, 2008

can bear meat be made into fuel?

Judge orders U.S. government to decide polar bear listing

(AP) ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A federal judge has ordered the Interior Department to decide within 16 days whether polar bears should be listed as a threatened species because of global warming...

A decision to list polar bears due to global warming could trigger a recovery plan with consequences beyond Alaska. Opponents fear it would subject new power plants and other development projects to federal review (i.e., communism -- ed.) if they generate greenhouse gasses that add to warming in the Arctic (why do polar bears hate our freedom? -- ed.)...

In response to the petition filed in 2005, the Fish and Wildlife Service proposed in December 2006 that polar bears be listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act because of the loss of their primary habitat, Arctic sea ice.

Summer sea ice shrank last year to a record low, about 1.65 million square miles in September, nearly 40 percent less ice than the long-term average between 1979 and 2000. Some climate models have predicted the Arctic will be free of summer sea ice by 2030.

A U.S. Geological Survey study generated in response to the listing petition predicted that polar bears in Alaska could be wiped out by 2050...

Look, we all know there won't be any more polar bears in a few decades, so why should we sacrifice our economic growth to a doomed effort to save them?

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