Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Here's anudder big-money Republican @$$hole i hate. HATE.

After Bush & Co., who let moral degenerate CEOs like this run wild, on the short list for @$$hole of the Year:

CNN Softballs Bob Murray…What about those documents?

Last week he said, "These are the worst mining conditions I've seen in fifty years..." Uh, dude, it's YOUR phokking mine, and YOU got the feds to let you do whatever the phokk you wanted to do, so who's fault is this? And safety? Yeah, i know, that shit costs money--but what's a few miners lives' lost, especially if they're Mexican...dat's da American Way, apparently. Well, Bushian, certainly. Go phokk yourself.

Another stupid, phokking thing he said right after the accident: "Without coal to manufacture our electricity, our products will not compete in the global marketplace against foreign countries…and people on fixed incomes will not be able to pay their electric bills... And every one of these global warming bills that has been introduced in Congress to date eliminates the coal industry and will increase your electric rates four to five-fold.” So let me see if i've got this straight: Better mine safety (which has nothing to do with global warming) is anti-American? Phokk you.

Oh yeah, his good buddy, Richard Stickler, head of the Mine Safety and Health Administration, was a Bush recess appointment. Even the Republicans in congress didn't want this phokking guy.


Sarge said...

What's this about global warming? I mean, it's always 68 in here! Thank Gawd for air conditioning. Good cheap air conditioning. Sometimes I turn it on AND keep the windows open if it's not too humid, because I just love and adore fresh air so.

And when he was wrapped up in that blanket right outside the mine in the dead of night...he looked so...brave.

Unyielding even.

I hope he's eaten alive by slugs.

Corms said...

I wish I had the exact quote here, but I read something somewhere yesterday where one of the friends of the miners said something to him about his company's horrible safety record and Murray's response was, "Look son, you need to find the Lord."