Monday, September 22, 2008

Electoral College - The Tie

The US election nightmare scenario

A tie? Isn't that like, kissing your sister or something? Though 538 has the chances of a tie at just uder 1%. Wouldn't it be simple enough to give the rest of the US Territories like 3 electoral votes so we can get to an odd number and not have a tie? That way they have a stake in the election as well? Make everyone happy? Nope, that would be way too easy. So let's just leave things the way our Gods I mean Founding Fathers created them.

Also, can we find some Founding Mothers to add to the story? So we can have Founding Parents or something? You know, something a little more PC?

1 comment:

k-mad said...

Wyoming - first they give us Dick Cheney, the undead gift that keeps giving, and now they think they deserve an equal say in who the House picks to be the next (P)rezzident.

Maybe we could give Wyoming to Canada, and then invade?