Monday, July 14, 2008

you'd think a black guy had never been a nominee for president before, or, John McLaughlin: an @ss#ole on the outside, an @ss#ole on the inside

As the cable news channels began filling up valuable airtime Monday with discussions of the appropriateness of a New Yorker cover depicting Barack Obama burning an American flag in the Oval Office, under a portrait of Osama bin Laden, another important story was largely ignored by the mainstream media - that of a veteran media personality injecting racially divisive stereotypes into a discussion of Sen. Obama.

This weekend on The McLaughlin Group, the program's host, John McLaughlin, asserted that Obama "fits the stereotype blacks once labeled as an Oreo -- a black on the outside, a white on the inside."


Sarge said...

Maybe they're ignoring it because John McLaughlin is still fascinated by the technology offered by digital watches.

He's about as relevant as cassette technology.

And he's about as prescient as a tourist at a shell game.

The media is so predictable that one of the media stories was about how this was going to burn the media wires. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy of suck.

Sarge said...

I mean, the New Yorker cover in the last paragraph of the above comment.

Michelle Obama looks like Angela Davis around 1965.

Which is hot.

Sarge said...

Or at least you know, pretty cool.

Sarge said...

Somebody suggested that the artist forgot the sprig of arugala - which is pretty funny.

Smiff said...

And where's the glass of expensive wine?

Fungster said...

So, deys want me to call John, and complains about what they's complaining about, and then tell me hows to complains about it? How's about this - you's takes my name, then you calls, and you's complains on my behalf? If secretaries can call on behalf of their bosses, Media Matters can complain on behalf of their readers.