Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The End Times are so much closer now

"Smiff added you as a friend on Facebook. We need to confirm that you know Smiff in order for you to be friends on Facebook."


Smiff said...

Now that i am on anudder one of these phokking things that suck, take some advice from the vice president on the side dere...

Smiff said...

Sally Struthers is my friend? Like i said, the phokking thing sucks.

Smiff said...

It was much like the cell phone - the endless whining, moaning and complaining made it easier to just get the phokking so people would shut the phokk up.

Sarge said...

How come one of the labels wasn 't "the google"?

Corms said...

So when is Ranger going to make the LoC complete on facebook?

Fungster said...

What does "the google" have to do with "the facebook"? If anything, we should probably have a "the facebook" label. But really, this was Shocking! Holy Phokking $#!+ Batman! Ah nuts, those are two I shoulda used...

k-mad said...

It's never too late to go back and add more.

Fungster said...

I's no. But it feels like cheating...