Wednesday, June 6, 2007

will findings be on display at the Creation Museum?

News Item: Kentucky man plans to lead the "greatest geological expedition in history" to a fog-enshrouded hole in the Arctic Ocean leading to Earth's center, where an unknown civilization exists inside the hollow core of the planet.
Whatever happens with the expedition, there is a place for him on the President's Council of Advisers on Science and Technology.


Corms said...

I think the funniest thing is the idea of someone with specific plans to reach and unkown civilization. "Nobody knows about it, but if go down this hole in the ocean it'll be right there. God told me."

Ohio Neocon said...

I recently went to the Creation Museum, it is right across the river from me. It has a large amount of scientific proof that everything in Genesis is literally true. If you have a family, especially children who are subject to the secular progressive public education system, you should go there and see for yourself! It is a family friendly environment that speaks the truth about the answers in Genisis.

Smiff said...

Is this sKILLy? Anywho, you spelled Genesis correctly one out of two times. Not bad. Does neocon mean you let others fight in wars? Otherwise, what are you doing here? (Just like your buddy, Bill Kristol, another cowardly chickenhawk.) Ah yes, the imaginary "secular progressive" crowd--has someone been watching too much Bill O'Rally? Ya know what, liberals have "friendly families," too.

Anyway, as someone who's father was a Baptist minister, i am well aware of the Bible, thank you very much. I also have a brain and have been known to use it occasionally (aka not a Dittohead).

Corms said...

ohio neocon can you explain what this sentence you wrote on your blog means:
I think if we get enough real signatures we could send Congress and the precedent...

According to my dictionary precedent means:
–noun 1. Law. a legal decision or form of proceeding serving as an authoritative rule or pattern in future similar or analogous cases.
2. any act, decision, or case that serves as a guide or justification for subsequent situations.

You and Cheney08 are truly either some of the best satirists or two of the biggest dumbfucks on the blogoshpere.

k-mad said...

"the music industry is full of liberals so I currently only listen to live music from people who I know are not liberals."

Ok, that's so brilliantly stupid that I think he has to be kidding.

Then again, when you slice the difference between parody and reality this wafer-thin, you never know...

Either way: funny, funny stuff!