Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mugabe should be taking notes

It's good to be a penguine in Burma.


I love that the NYTimes quotes a diplomat saying "...which is nuts."

“They really believe, and they have believed for a long time, that we are planning an invasion, which is nuts,” said Shari Villarosa, the highest-ranking United States diplomat in Yangon. “We are not,” she added.


Fungster said...

So the best way to deal with a paranoid regime is to pretend to want to invade, move troops close by and occupy the attention of the military, possibly making them redeploy all their troops to face the outside threat and not worry about the people they are oppressing? I think we need to do this from now on, occasionally invading just to let people know we ain't kidding. Oh yes, that's right, Iraq...

Corporal said...

Fung, focus on the penguins, damnit!