Monday, January 14, 2008

philly skilly phlubs da phorecast

Snow? No!
By Lea Sitton Stanley
So, where is it, that snow we steeled ourselves for?
"It didn't happen."

k-mad, reporting from da philly aeroport...

1 comment:

Smiff said...

Dis wuz da phirst ting i wuz gonna post! 1-2 inches...MF@. Not one fucking flake. I really missed da boat on dat career choice.

Heres anudder shocker: the GODORT business meeting goes late and K-Mad stiffs Smiff for lunch. GODORT SUCKS.

Speaking of sucking, i wuz unanimously re-elected unopposed to be the MAGERT treasurer/reigning emperor again. So i gots dat phokking bullshit for anudder two years. MF@. (Dey musta been impressed after i told dem the group is going broke.)

Snoring: YES! Ever had a heard of elephnats stampeding through your hotel room? I have. Though the snore factor seems to increase with alcohol intake...

The only thing Smiff saw in Philly:

Highlight: the world's largest human colon. It didn't say that, but at 80 pounds i would phokking phink so... and dats a lot of shit.