Tuesday, December 4, 2007


BILLINGS, Mont. - Nearly extinct last century, grizzly bears are back in a big way in the northern Rockies -- rising in numbers, pushing into new territories and mauling hunters who stumble across them in the wild.

While state and federal officials laud the bear's comeback, others say it's time to lift the remaining protections that helped them recover. They point to recent grizzly encounters as evidence.

"We've got grizzly bears eating people who come here to hunt," said Vic Workman, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks commissioner, who fended off a grizzly during a Nov. 25 hunting trip near Whitefish. "It's getting out of whack. We've got too many bears."


Smiff said...

Bears are eating hunters - uh, what's the problem?

Fungster said...

Hunters like it easy, that's why they get guns and scopes and all that other s#!+ to hunt defenseless animals. It's time someone stood up, and the bears have done so. Keep the ban in place, all those not in favor, move! Or don't hunt.