Wednesday, December 5, 2007

the bees disappearing won't matter when this happens

God bless us, every one
QT Yellowstone Caldera (the eruptions of which can be violent enough to send a layer of ash 6 feet deep as far away as Chicago and which erupts every 600,000 or so years and last erupted 640,000 years ago) Update:

There were 34 earthquakes at Yellowstone in October.

There were 69 earthquakes in November.

There were 11 earthquakes the first three days of December.

The rise of magma beneath the ground continues at a record rate.

Ho, Ho, Ho!

But it wasn't progressive scan
News Item: Burglar breaks into Simply Amish store in Champaign and makes off with 42-inch plasma TV.

Add the Amish to the list of things that aren't what they used to be.

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