Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Dick Cheney Emotional Chart

Found it here


Corms said...

I like the Dick Cheney Quail Hunt Game.

Smiff said...

Imagine never laughing, smiling, feeling love or compassion...what a miserable life that would be.

Dick's (DICK!) favorite movie character is Potter from "It's a Wonderful Life"...

Sarge said...

This is brilliant - I like "smug" the best - that's the "I just convinced a man to kill tens of thousands for no discernible reason other than I'm a paranoid fascist" face.

Or wait, it might just be the "I'm right even in the face of incontrovertible evidence I'm wrong about absolutely everything except my little grandkid who I would sell down the river for political gain and everybody else is wrong, naive and not as smart as me" face.

Or maybe it's just the "If I told you to go phokk yourself and you didn't I could have you thrown in a prison forever and nobody would know" face.

What a dick!