Monday, November 3, 2008

Can't fool me

Don't know if anyone else noticed, but the McCain campaign complains about something, then say "But I'm not going to complain or whine about it, because there's nothing I can do about it. Here's an example. I saw at least annudder one dat I can't remember right now. Look, (soon to be) losers, if you're not going to complain, then don't bring it up. Otherwise, you've complained.

I was also watching Sarah Barracuda this morning in Ohio. The MSNBC folks were fawning over her, saying how those stump speeches were "her element", how that was what she was made to do. Not those one on one gotcha interviews with Katie, but standing in front of a bunch of people and speaking. In other words, she's good at reading. Doesn't matter what she's reading, but she's good at it. You know, about Obama the socialist. Obama the raise taxes on all of you guy. Reading falsehoods that make people say boo and yay on cue. That's her skill.

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