Monday, November 3, 2008

Bush/sewer clown nexus on the ballot, or, San Francisco: not one of the pro-America parts of the country

News item: Every San Francisco election has something that captures the nation's attention - and this year it's Proposition R, the proposed renaming of a sewage-treatment plant after George W. Bush.


Smiff said...

No one hates America more than San Francisco.

Fungster said...

I'm with the one commenter that said I don't want to see his name anymore. And how many propositions do thay have down there? Smiff? How many are on your ballot? Though I guess this year I had more than one if I recall, the one about the Constitutional convention or whatever, one about extending the park all the way to Evanston, er (pulls sample ballot out of recycling bin) ah yes, one about a constitutional amendment to establish a recall process for Blago et al. Though they weren't called propositions. And I think only the constitutional convention one is binding. Damn those kollyfornians!

Smiff said...

Let's see here...

There are 12 state props


5 local props for the city or county of San Diego.

k-mad said...

This is the first election in 20 years that I haven't lived in either Kollyforniya or Cook County. It is also the shortest ballot I've ever voted on. Coincidence?