Friday, October 10, 2008

what I hate about Obama

He's got the Muslim - you can't just turn it off.

"He says he's not Muslim but I don't know if you can just turn it off like that..."

"These are low-information voters who don't read newspapers, barely watch TV news and aren't engaged in the issues..."


Fungster said...

Being Black - not his fault, so you can't hate him for that without turning off like 95% of the US population. OK so I pulled that # outta my arse. But you get the point.

Being Muslim - totally his fault. Though I saw somewhere that they were trying to back him into being a Muslim - i.e. his father was a Muslim therefore he was one by default until such time he decided he wasn't one. Mebbe it was on this blog? Anyway, back then it wasn't his fault. But now it is. And so you can fault him for that. Even though you worship the same God.

Jason said...

You can't talk publicly about him "being black." You can talk about him "maybe being a Muslim." But both statements serve the same purpose -- to say that He's Not One of Us -- and obviously the primary basis for the latter statement is his Kenyan name. So...same difference.