Monday, May 19, 2008

Good News for End-Timers (you know who you are)

Asteroids Could Reseed a Devastated Earth

Posted May 18, 08 3:13 PM CDT in
Science & Health

(newser) – If a comet ever obliterates life on Earth, don't worry—space rocks could later fall in and reseed a few basic life forms. A new study shows that organisms can survive being hit by a meteor, ejected into space, and hurtled back to Earth on the face of a rock—which is good news should we ever go the way of the dinosaurs, Astrobiology reports.

Researchers smashed life-filled rocks with metal plates, simulating the pressures they would face being jolted into space. Other studies have showed life would endure re-entry, but the initial departure was still a question mark. So, rest easy: "A re-seeding scenario on a planetary surface is possible with diverse organisms,” the study said. Source
Astrobiology Magazine


k-mad said...

I feel better already.

Corms said...

This makes me feel worse.