Monday, July 9, 2007

ya call dat a... a... ok, what do ya call dat den?

Record rainfall – such as it is – possible today

SAN DIEGO – There's a slight chance that the coast could see record-breaking rain Monday. But no need to put up the storm shutters.

The record for the date in San Diego is a trace, and not much more than that is likely.



Smiff said...

I see dat you conveniently neglected to mention the possibly lethal "dry lightning" (whatever phokk dat is). I could die!

Fungster said...

Dry Lightning? Ask Skilly. Maybe this could be the beginning of a great friendship!

Smiff said...

the reader comments are pretty funny...

By My Mom on 07/09/2007

UT hard up for stories again. Moderator, you may want to start looking for another job soon.

By sdron on 07/09/2007

May grey, June gloom, summer monsoons, March miracle, Padres win division, City Hall problems......
Come on, its San Diego.