Wednesday, July 11, 2007

All Star Break Update

Monks: 1st Place; Crab Queens beaten into submission, giving up, trading everything...
Fants: 1st Place, just riding a wave...
Triple Dog Dare: you got it, 1st place (notice a theme here?)
Wyvernz: if the season ended today, in the playoffs (and 4 games ahead of the Bandits)
Cherries: still in 2nd place despite all the injuries and carrying K-Mad...
Hummingbirds: 3 games out of the playoffs, but leading the league in pitching, and pitching wins. Smeltz in the rear view mirror...


Corms said...

Smiff's head's so big that he's a walking talking eating drinking bobblehead.

Smiff said...

It's a fair cop, but this is the only thing i'm good at. Gotta toot your horn when you can...

Corms said...

You're also very good at venting and raging.

Anonymous said...

With a gravitational pull that large, venting and raging is a necessity. Otherwise he would collapse in on himself, taking perfect San Diego with him.

Football will be here soon. Then we'll see what you're made of. Baseball is for librarians.

Corms said...

Skilly is sounding an awful lot like Fung these days.

Anonymous said...

Skilly resents that. Especially coming from a skilly faker like you.

Corms said...

My Skilly is much more believable. In fact I was the one who invented the nickname Skilly. Actually it was Skilly in Chicago, but you're still obviously and blantantly ripping me off and if you do not cease and desist immediately punative measures will be taken.

Sarge said...

Smiff just looks at who I draft and then avoids them like the plague.

Smiff said...

Yeah, but i also have to look at who K-Mad drafts. That's a lot of players not to consider, especially pitchers. Somehow...i rise above it.