Monday, April 14, 2008

More Bourgeois Nonsense

World Bank chief: Ethanol cars run on human misery
Fill up with E85, starve a child

First you make us feel guilty about how we're raping the planet by drilling deep or excavating forests & turn them into wastelands or killing wildlife refuges and occasionally creating environmental catastrophes when the guy driving the boat with all the sweet crude has had one too many, not to mention killing the ozone layer and decreasing air quality, all just so we can drive wherever the hell we want to whenever the hell we want. And oh yeah, that stuff we suck out of the earth will run out at some point so you should think about that.

But hey, there's a great solution. You know that stuff you eat? Well, we can put that in your car instead! See, now it's renewable. It still has all the other problems of oil, but now it's renewable, so we did good! Oh, wait, now food prices went up, so the poor can't afford it any more. No matter. As long as I feel good about my E-85 hybrid SUV, it's all good.

Which reminds me, I forgot to post this, but some TV channel (HGTV? It's all I watch these days) had some sort of competition to win a green home. It probably had solar panels, was made out of like 100% recycled materials and so on. The best part was that it came with a hybrid SUV. Eh????? That's the old triple cheeseburga, super duper sized french fries and a DIET coke trick.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but it seems to me that Ethanol is just like Petrol (or Gas to the 'Mercans) in that when you burn it it will produce CO2. So why use it? Because it's renewable? If that's the case we may as well wait till the crude comes out. Oh yes, I forgot, we don't want to enable the terrists or 'Ugo but we still want to be able to drive wherever we want when we want. So we're all for the noble causes as long as they don't affect our way of life. And what about the cows, isn't it all the cows we have that are producing all this methane that's causing the problem? Once again, it will affect us - we gotta have our beef, screw the chickens and the fishies and the piggies (the piggies are worse aren't they?) and all that other crap.

I agree with Agent Smith. We humans are a virus, we just multiply and consume, multiply and consume. Rinse and repeat. The real problem is there's too many of us. So we will slowly kill the earth until it can't support us all, and we will start to die off. A point of equilibrium will be reached, it always will. It's just a question of what that number is. Hopefully, it's somewhere above 0.

1 comment:

k-mad said...

Sounds like da Fungster is learning to love entropy.

Our transportation solution: rickshaws. The barefooted masses would just love shuttling busy plutocrats across town to their meetings and cocktail parties. Power from the people!