Monday, March 3, 2008

Smiff is going to send them a few bucks...

Watch it...

60 Minutes: Charity Trying To Make Up For Failing U.S. Health Care System

Of course, we still have the best health care system in the world. And, by best, i mean absolutely the most pathetic for the richest country in the world. And, by richest, i mean most in debt. And, by most in debt, i mean thanks, Dumbya! And by Dumbya, i mean the idiotic, brainless moron "running" the country...


k-mad said...

I saw dat segment. Pretty bloody awful. But you know, desperation is good for people. Makes them work harder. Very Calvinistic. Builds better retail employees.

k-mad said...

Oh yeah, da system works by da way. The whole Cheney plan for an army of the dispossessed at the service of the plutocracy is coming to fruition.