Thursday, February 28, 2008


McCain’s Canal Zone Birth Prompts Queries About Whether That Rules Him Out

Shouldn't they check this (and make a ruling) when a person STARTS their candidacy? They need to change the law anyway. If you're born to US parents, it shouldn't matter where you were when you were born - why would that be good enuff for citizenship but not for the presidency? And why shouldn't Ahnuld be able to run? In a true democracy, we should be able to vote in whoever we want. Even a non citizen. Some guy just off the boat from Haiti should be eligible, at least for the two days before we send him back.


Corms said...

Being from the 9th circle of hell didn't prevent W from becoming president.

k-mad said...

There are now five Google hits for the phrase "McCain birth canal," by the way...

Smiff said...

Was that before or after the canal was built?