Wednesday, June 6, 2012

This is probably nothing to worry about (cont'd), or, They can have my incandescent light bulb when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers

Climate Scientists Lament a Nation Stuck on the Wrong Debate

The global warming debate in Congress, the states and on the campaign trail centers on two issues: Is Earth warming, and if so are humans to blame?

But ask most climate scientists, and they'll tell you that these are the only questions not in dispute. Climate change is a matter of how bad and by when, they'll say -— not whether.

Actually, I have a different question: Why are the collectivists trying to collect all my favorite light bulbs?

House votes to block enforcement of energy efficient light bulb standards

Thank God there are still a few defenders of liberty willing to stand up to Uncle Bo and his Stasi Brownshirt redistributors.

And quit worrying about our grandkids -- they'll thank us later, when they're raking in the dough at the Railsplitter Pineapple Co. (DON'T USE THAT! I haven't trademarked it yet!)

There are about 874,000 Google hits for "redistributor in chief," by the way.

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