Monday, September 12, 2011

The terrists have won (cont)

Cookies strike fear on flight -


k-mad said...

I blame the passenger. What part of "If you see something, say something" didn't he understand? And if he didn't understand it the first time he heard it, how come he hadn't asked for clarification by the one hundred phokking millionth time he'd heard it? If that plane had gone down, it would have been on HIS PHOKKING WATCH. And as if the 12-year old girl shouldn't have been a DEAD PHOKKING GIVEAWAY! If you were trying to POISON the crew to BRING DOWN THE PHOKKING AEROPLANE, what more BRILLIANT PHOKKING RUSE could you come up with than to recruit a 12 YEAR OLD GIRL SUICIDE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE BOMBER??? Doesn't this dumbphokk WATCH THE NEWS??? IF THIS IS WHAT PASSES FOR VIGILANCE, WE ARE ALL TOTALLY PHOKKED!!!!

k-mad said...

I find it only slightly reassuring to find that a good number of my fellow citizens express their agreement with the spirit of my remarks in their comments on the Tribune website (see also: Onion or real?).

k-mad said...

Still, though... PHOKK!

k-mad said...

There are five Google results for "cookie terror attack," by the way.

Fungster said...

Talking to yourself again I see?

k-mad said...

Nice profile photo!

Fungster said...

Thanks! I drawd it myself...