Monday, November 30, 2009

LoC=Spam? (cont)

Apparently the new big thing is to post a spam comment in a post we made last year. That way if you just go to the blog you don't see it (Briggs & I saw them coz we subscribe to the RSS feed for comments), but we then become one of them spamming blogs that Google hates sooo much. So I's made a coupla changes unilateral style - no more anonymous commenting (sorry brain dead bob et al) and comments on older posts will have to be approved before posting. If anyone thinks I've overstepped my authoritah, you suck, if anyone has (a) better idea(s), you suck, and if you are a spammer, you especially suck.


Sarge said...

Like the changes Fung - thanks for cutting down the weeds on this one!

k-mad said...

Looks good. But can I still order the spam, eggs, sausage, and spam?