Monday, October 13, 2008

Smiff in Da City Dat Works (update)

Ok, you've had time to make plans and to get out of town. If you're still going to be around Thurs-Tues, you only have yourself to blame. And Fung must have had too many Sprites to have me crash at his place (his fault for having an extra room). First things first, who can pick up Smiff at Midway on Thursday night and deliver him to the Fungster? My flight gets in at 10:15pm on Southwest. Hey, take Friday off and we can head straight to the bars.

Stuff to do (mostly eating and drinking):
Hop Leaf - probably Sat. night - K-Mad, Mary is in town, right?
Tre Kroner - weekend breakfast
The Edgewater
The Candlelite
a movie - Fung mentioned W, but i dunno if i can spend $10 and 2+ hours on that moron
or something at The Music Box?
Purdue vs. the Cats? could happen. i assume there will be plenty of seats available.
watching the Bears lose on Sunday, though will Smiff still have Orton in his lineup?
a meeting of the LoC Executive a bar
[insert own joke here]

Decker gonna be around by any chance? Also, someone tell Skilly not to make it too cold. I no longer have a winter coat, and don't want to buy one eider. It looks like "seasonable" temps through Sunday, but then again this is a Skilly forecast so anything can happen...


Corms said...

I read this because the label, "Smiff in a mini skirt" intrigued me. I'm very disappointed not to have seen Smiff's shapely legs :-(

I'll pick you up and deliver you safely to Fung's.

Smiff said...

Came with a question mark. Could be a Chicago event if you play your cards right...

k-mad said...

Mary will be here, and we're good for Hop Leaf on Saturday night. Might be up for the Cats-tastrophe Saturday, although the 11am start time isn't helping any.

Fungster said...

Well, do you want to wait all day for a Cats-tastrophe, or do you want to get it over & dun wid?

Way to finagle chauffeur service dere Smiff. You do know the train goes from Midway to like 2 blocks away from Chez Fung right? Of course, there is the transfer and it taking over an hour...but then again, so could the drive.

k-mad said...

Fungster makes two excellent points.

Smiff said...

Yeah, CTA, great idea. By the time i get to your place i'll need to get back on and go back to the airport to leave. No phank you!