Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Germans would like to have a beer with Barack

Crazy About Barack
Obamamania Infects Germany
By Ralf Beste

Berlin political circles -- both liberal and conservative -- are fawning over US presidential candidate Barack Obama. Many in Germany see him as a cross between John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., but expectations may be exaggerated.


Smiff said...

Well, that is a considerable improvement on "Hitlermania."

k-mad said...

Dude, ix-nay on the itler-Hay... that was like, gosh, years ago now...

k-mad said...

"McCain is not an unknown quantity in Germany, either. As a dyed in the wool trans-Atlanticist, he regularly participates in the annual Munich Security Conference. The senator has a reputation there for his sharp attacks against German politicians -- his fits of rage are feared and his political positions are known because of the numerous debates he has taken part in."

See also: unhinged.