Monday, February 18, 2008

Crazy People on TV

Fungster's home sick today (too much skillet cookie? Perhaps...) and is watching morning TV. I caught the end of Oprah (?) and she gave out a gift to one of the viewers (it was 2 tix to the premiere of a movie or something) and she acted like she'd just won the lottery - so happy she was about to cry. It can't get more nuts than that, can it? Then I started watching The Price is Right. Now dose people were NUTS! So now I know the secret. You gotta be crazy to be on TV. So I guess dat gives Smiff a chance. The rest of us - we'll just have to have something really, REALLY weird happen to us. Super weird. Waaaaay out there.


k-mad said...

Sick? Or staying home on (P)rezzzidunce Day out of respect for Bush?

Price is Right? Isn't there a good cricket match on?

Fungster said...

I don't think President's day counts for him until after he's "retired".

I wish dere was a cricket game on. Dat would be da perfect cure - could watch dat all day, dosing off every so often and not missing much. Nope, went to the grocery store to stock up, and now I'm back and Maury's on, and yes, it's Maury's staple. Dis guy (not Maury)was da father of 3 kids by 2 women, dunno if dat's a trifecta or a double down...

Smiff said...

Smiff has the day off. Suckers.

k-mad said...

Go phokk yourself.

Smiff said...

I know, and dat ain't da half of it. While i was just sitting here, two bottles of expensive wine arrived. It's good to be da Smiff!

Fungster said...

What K-Mad sed.

Smiff said...

Spoken like a gentleman.

Though still a sucker.