Thursday, January 10, 2008

still an idiot

John Zogby--K-Mad's boy--tonight on The Daily Show: "I don't know." I guess that's a slight improvement on 2004 when he picked Kerry.


Fungster said...

Polls are stooooopid. Every single time this comes up, coz they are (almost) never right, and then they have to explain why they're wrong. WHY SHOULD WE BELIEVE THEIR EXPLANATIONS OF WHY THEY'RE WRONG WHEN THEY'RE ALWAYS WRONG???????

He also said he didn't know whether polling affected outcomes. I believe it does. And therefore, polls should be banned.

Besides, everyone knows that the reason the polls were wrong was because Hillary faked some emotion to win the primary. This according to our dear friend, Bill Kristol. Said emotion was after the poll (or too soon before to affect the poll), so it wasn't the poll's fault.

I hate watching this election coverage. I mean, people are wrong before the primary, then they supposedly figured out why they were wrong, then they make proclamations on future polls, that also turn out to be wrong, so they have to explain themselves again. We've gone from a "Hillary slam dunk" to a "real race" to an "Obama coronation" to a "real race" all in the space of this year. WHY CAN'T WE ALL REALISE THAT THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THE PHOKK THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT?

Also, can someone explain to me how it is that Hillary "won" NH, but she and Obama will earn the same number of delegates? And how Obama "won" IA, but got just one delegate more than Hillary, who got one more than Edwards despite getting less votes than him? Seems like an extension of 2000, where Gore got more votes than Bush, so he won the "popular vote", but lost the electoral college. Winning the popular vote meant nothing for Gore. So why is it such a big deal in these primaries? This $#!+ is so confusing, and we need to scrap it all stat.

So, on the next primaries/caucus nights, I will have the TV off, and the music full blast. I'll just listen to Jon Stewart make fun of it all the next day.

k-mad said...

Maybe da Zogster should get a job "forecasting" the weather.

Smiff said...

I think we should have the system they have there in Zimbabwe. President for Life. Get rid of these elections. And then we can spend more time on what's Britney up to.