Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Question 1: Why are you so FULLASHIT?

E-mail questions for a CTA video chat

E-mail questions for a CTA video chat

Got a question for CTA president Ron Huberman? E-mail them, and come back Tuesday, Dec. 4 at 2:00 p.m. when Huberman joins the Tribune's Jon Hilkevitch and RedEye's Kyra Kyles for a live video chat.


Fungster said...

Since when is Kyra a popular name? There's the Southwest Kyra, I think there's a Kyra on CNN, etc. What the hell does that name mean? WTF?

Anonymous said...

It's American, our names don't mean shit.

Fungster said...

Well, you can now watch da hilites on da Worlds Awfulest Newspaper (tie)'s web thingimajig.