Monday, December 3, 2007

Huckabee: Fullas#i+? Or just an @$$hole?

What Would Jesus Dodge?

Comment #7:
What really grinds my gears about Huckabee's answer, and the media's rapturous response, is that capital punishment is one of the "WWJD" questions where we actually know the answer. Jesus was, basically, asked by the Pharisees whether he supported executing an adultress, and his response was the famous "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" line. So, Jesus? Basically a "no" on the whole capital punishment thing.

Yet here was have Huckabee, who practically preens over his theology degree and the centrality of his Christian faith, punting on an easy WWJD question. All because the more bloodthirsty part of his base doesn't want to hear the real answer...