Friday, May 16, 2008

so in a way, we should almost feel sorry for him

It's The Stupidity, Stupid

There are jerks who act like jerks and know they are acting like jerks and display a sense of arrogance, who put it in your face that they full well know they are being a jerk, know you are upset by their jerk-like behavior, and just don't care. But then there are the ones who act that way with a completely difference sense of arrogance, one that is coupled with the obvious fact that the jerk just doesn't get it. If the President went to Israel and was defiant in his tastelessness, rudeness, dishonesty, and hypocrisy, that would be bad enough. But it is the complete lack of understanding of the brutal stinging irony of his obliviousness that is the most upsetting.


Smiff said...

Well, in his defense, it's not like he actually wrote the speech. Or knows who Neville Chamberlain was (a conservative, by the way), or what he did. Or knows who the senator was that allegedly said he wanted to negotiate with Hitler (William E. Borah, a Republican). Or bothers to care to remember Reagan's Iran-Account affair, or Rummy meeting Hussein, who we sold billions of dollars worth of weapons. Or that Nixon met with Mao, one of history's greatest mass murderers.But then, it's hard to think when your head is so firmly ensconced up your own ass.

Corms said...

He also doesn't know that his grand pappy Prescott had no problem doing business with Hitler.