Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Juan Pierre: Still Doing the Little Things, damnit!

Beating A Horse That Died Like Six Years Ago

Pierre not bothered with OBP issues


Sarge said...

In fairness though, Pierre makes some good points.

And anecdotally, I don't remember him flailing at a lot of balls outside of the zone...

It does make sense for pitchers to throw him strikes and since he doesn't strikeout much...

I would be curious to see his groundball/flyball rates and curious if there is any data at how often he swings at pitches outside the zone. It might not be a case of Juan Pierre being stupid so much as a smart recognition of his skill limitations by other teams.

Which still doesn't justify the Dodgers giving him the keys to the kingdom to play for them.

Still, I've always kind of liked him.

Corms said...

That story was brilliant. Jayson Adcox must be Tommy LaSorda's ghost writer.