Friday, August 10, 2007

But hey...on the subway it only costs three bucks...

From a list of translations made of Harry Potter counterfeits...originally in Chinese - their plot summaries attached - published in today's favorite:

Harry Potter and the Big Funnel

Published: August 10, 2007

After six years at Hogwarts, Harry Potter becomes an intern sorcerer and is assigned to teach at the Honiton School. Harry has a painful time in his aunt’s house, as Dudley has met a belly-dancing girl. As Harry prepares to report to his job, Bat Bug warns him disaster awaits.

At the school, his students become wooden stools one after another. Harry doesn’t know whether an evil student is behind this, or if his old benefactor Hagrid is making a mistake, or if the shadow of Voldemort has returned. Did it have something to do with the big funnel?

1 comment:

Smiff said...

Now THAT i would read.