Monday, July 9, 2007

when do the oil profits start rolling in?

Report: Iraq war costing U.S. $12BEEEEEELLION a month


k-mad said...

Iraq: Ten BEEELLLLION dollars a month divided by 31 = 322 MEEELLLION 580 thousand 645 dollars a day, divided by 24 equals 13 MEEELLLION 440 thousand 860 dollars an hour, divided by 60 equals $224,014 a minute, divided by 60 equals $3733 a second. Give or take. Money well spent, especially considering Halliburton gets to sell some totally kickass cheese to our troops, even though we won't really have it paid off for, like, ever.

k-mad said...

Oh yeah, and anyone who doesn't think all this sounds totally brilliant is a phokking tarrist...