Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Bush Veto

Why on earth are the Democrats confused?

The first thing they need to do, is craft a spending bill that is clear, to the point, resolute in deadlines and how much should be spent, Again. They need to make sure that within the bill is more than adequate funding for the soldiers presently in Iraq.

Then they need to speak about how this is a record, a record for the American people to examine in two years time to see exactly how gutless or clueless their representatives were and vote accordingly. They need to ask these politicians if they are loyal to an idiot/man-child president and his Iagoish vice, or to the idea that this war of manipulated information, outright lies and no apparent purpose other than to attempt to support the misbegotten ideals of a small and priviledged minority within the U.S. Government? And they need to ask, is this not supporting our troops, asking they be brought home?

The gutless wonders, worried about being portrayed by Karl Rove or whatever next emerges from the ooze of the plutocracy in an attempt to define them as "liberal" and "friends of the terrorists" will vote against their own beliefs. The bill will lose.

They will worry about being mis-portrayed as not funding and supporting "our boys," as those who have no qualms about throwing them into needless danger like to call them:

"Oh, yeah, we've been sending our boys into this place we set fire to. Then we send our other boys into the fire. It's cool. Yeah. The boys seem to like it, some of them. Yeah. Our boys are definately a credit to the nation, and not supporting their entrance into the fire is unpatriotic. You can go to hell for that. I mean they're in fire, what are you supposed to do? Not support them? We don't have any hoses. So we just kind of stand out here and cheer, and puff our chests out and talk about "the great sacrifice" "our boys" make. Sometimes we get emotional. Like on holidays."

Do Americans really feel that opposing this group is really opposing "our boys"?

Let the bill lose, pass some bill written by the devil because you helped bring the devil in, and then really start pushing for partition. Go somewhere where the Democratic Party has a chance to take the lead. Start insisting on talking to Turkey, to start talking to Iran, to start talking to Syria, to start talking to Israel and start creating what the future is going to be. Start talking about political deals to create new borders to undo what the British did when they were doing what were doing now.

Start talking to the Iraqi politicians who are going to have to be architects on this mess.

And then start giving our soldiers a real mission in a role that helps bring about partition. Baghdad will have to be Berlin.

See if we can deal with this new France and this new Germany to put some pressure on Turkey and to also offer them some reasons for going along. Swallow some crow.

Fix this.

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