Tuesday, June 3, 2008

First Dick, now...


Jason said...

I don't know if he'd be crazier to pick her (and invite THAT family into his administration) or not to pick her (together, is there any way they lose in November?).

k-mad said...

Having her on the ticket probably makes the ticket more electable, but I'm not convinced that it's a given. He's acquired enough baggage of his own in the last few weeks; having to suddenly drag around all that they've acquired over the last two decades might be the last thing he needs on the campaign trail.

Once elected, having either Clinton as VP seems unworkable enough; having them both seems like a nightmare. And her/their campaign has been so awful that I see no merit in the argument that she/they "earned" it (even though she got the most votes EVER and won all the really cool states). Plus it undermines the appeal of his message about getting beyond the same old partisan battles.

Five months ago I would have been ok with it but not anymore.

Smiff said...

24 Faces of FULLASHIT.