Thursday, May 22, 2008

Really, John McCain can barely go five minutes w/o a flip-flop

Or is it that he's so old he can't remember anything before 5 minutes ago?

And this one includes a half-pander to Ellen Degeneres:

Ellen DeGeneres Confronts McCain On Gay Marriage

McCain said, “I think that people should be able to enter into legal agreements and it’s something that we should encourage, particularly in the case of insurance and other areas and decisions that have to be made. I just believe in the unique status of marriage between a man and a woman and I know that we have a respectful disagreement on that issue.”
The problem is that McCain himself not only supported an amendment to the Arizona Constitution in 2006 that would have banned any “legal agreements” including “insurance” for domestic partners, but he cut advertisements for the measure (which failed). He also told prominent campaign supporter the late Jerry Falwell–who blamed 9/11 on gays and lesbians, among others–that if state constitutional measures such as this one were struck down by the courts, he would then support a federal gay-marriage ban.

*Gasp* Say it ain’t so! Could this be another McCain flip-flop LIE????

1 comment:

k-mad said...

why can't he hold two equally marketable but opposite points of view?