Friday, May 23, 2008

he's a war hero and a Republican... so there...

McCain targeted for opposing vets college aid bill

The Pentagon opposes the Webb-Hagel bill, saying the benefit could hurt retention by encouraging members of the military to leave after serving only three years.

McCain's Hypocrisy And Demagoguery On G I Bill

Let’s beat that dead horse again, John. If you didn’t serve in the military, you can’t comment on military matters. Yawn. By the way, I don’t recall Sen. McCain making those same remarks about those in the Bush administration who were so gung-ho about going to war in Iraq. Maybe I missed something.

McCain then went on to describe the differences in benefits proposed by Sen. Webb and those he would prefer. In a nutshell, McCain would not like to see the benefits be so "generous" as to lessen the re-enlistment of our soldiers, what he calls "retention."

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