Thursday, October 2, 2008

if we had listened a little more carefully, we might have gotten a very early clue about how things would go...

George W. Bush's opening line at the first debate in 2000:

BUSH: Well, we do come from different places. I come from being a West Texas.

He then proceeds to talk about what he'll do with the "surplus."

BUSH: Let me just say that obviously tonight we're going to hear some phony numbers about what I think and what we ought to do. People need to know that over the next ten years it is going to be $25 trillion of revenue that comes into our treasurey and we anticipate spending $21 trillion. And my plan say why don't we pass 1.3 trillion of that back to the people who pay the bills? Surely we can afford 5% of the $25 trillion that are coming into the treasury to the hard working people that pay the bills. There is a difference of opinion. My opponent thinks the government -- the surplus is the government's money. That's not what I think. I think it's the hard-working people of America's money and I want to share some of that money with you so you have more money to build and save and dream for your families. It's a difference of opinion. It's a difference between government making decisions for you and you getting more of your money to make decisions for yourself.

I don't know about you, but that extra four treeeellllion dollars is burning a hole in my pocket. Why don't we throw a yooge phokking party for this phokking weasel to thank him for the bang-up job he did...

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