Wednesday, September 24, 2008

stupid: the noun, or, crackers who don't care how flamboyantly America fails as long as they get to keep their guns

They're real patriotic down deres in Pennsylvania, though maybe not real crowded wif brainzzz (Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between, as Carville described it).

Even with little enthusiasm, Brandenburg — a Democrat — is sticking with his party. But plenty of his friends in southwestern Pennsylvania are very enthusiastic about Sarah Palin.

"There's a lot of them who are going to vote for her and McCain because of the hunting issue," he said.

So let's see... the national debt is $3279 for every man woman and child in America (if we all became $100-an-hour hookers we'd all have to work 33 hours straight in order to pay it off, in case you're trying to visualize it), we're getting our asses kicked in Iraq and Afghanistan now with Pakistan soon to follow, Iran and Norf Korea are waving their nukyalar weapons under our noses, the whole economy is going down the tubes, the dollar is losing value against Monopoly money, not to mention the accelerating extinction of all insects, plants, amphibians, and mammals on the planet, the possibility of an all-Chicago World Series, and all they're interested in is which candidate is more likely to embrace their God-given right to blow the brains out of God's little creatures (cuz they're, like, Christians an' s#i+)? Well, that explains... everything.

1 comment:

Smiff said...

Ya got dat right, Mr. Latte--and dat's why de're bitter and cling to dere guns and Jesus. Da black guy explained all dis months ago.