Friday, September 19, 2008

I blame myself

This intriguing title is due for an October release... if we last that long...

Plait, Philip. Death from the Skies!: These Are the Ways the World Will End.... Viking. Oct. 2008. c.324p. illus. index.

Plait (Bad Astronomy) runs the popular blog and is a former astronomy professor. Here, he describes the myriad ways that astronomical events could end life on Earth. These include comet and asteroid impacts, massive solar flares, supernova explosions, gamma-ray bursts, black holes, diseases of extraterrestrial origin, the eventual death of the sun, and the wobbly orbit of the sun around our galaxy that could expose us to cosmic rays.


Fungster said...

So basically this is an accumulation of every sci-fi movie ever? Fung watched the sci-fi network last weekend, as he had upped his service to get it, and watched like 3 or 4 movies that touched on some of those themes. So I'm sure there's been a sci-fi movie about each of those, and all this guy had to do was sit at home and write down each one & then make a book out of it. Add writing books to things that aren't what they used to be.

Smiff said...

My money is still on Bush & Cheney.

Fungster said...

Smiff - always goes for the easy play. Just like with Lincewhosit.