Monday, July 14, 2008

Iron City not even close...

The World's Worst Beers

Of those beers with alcohol and more than 100 votes (or close), the absolute worst are:

Natural Light (AB)
Michelob Ultra (AB)
Natural Ice (AB)
Milwaukee's Best (Miller)
Busch Ice (AB)
Coors Aspen Edge (Coors)
Bud Ice Light* (AB)
Old Milwaukee Ice (Miller)
Bud Light (AB)
Busch Light (AB)
Milwaukee's Best Light (Miller)

*Is this one even a beer?



Ranger said...

Interesting site. Ciders are actually listed. Most don't make it outside of France or England though so I can keep my liver intact.

Sarge said...

You know, I don't give a fuck, The Beast is not the world's worst beer. There were times I was happy to see it.

Natural Light? That's getting there.

Grainbelt though, without a doubt, is the enemy of mankind and it is

My Worst Beer in the World.

Smiff said...

Grain Belt may have improved since August Schell acquired it...

In Rochester, which still has a regional brewery, the awful beer was/is Genesee Cream Ale. Commonly known to give the "Genny Screamers" the next day...